June 30, 2011 IN THIS EDITION  FROM THE EDITOR Happy Fourth of July to you! This is your weekend if you're researching Revolutionary War Patriots—read about Ancestry.com's free records offer below.
And for ancestors who arrived later on US shores, follow our pointers for digging up citizenship records.
We've also got a happy ending for two readers with mystery photos, a special on our upcoming Virginia research webinar and more. Have a great, safe weekend! —Diane Haddad, Newsletter Editor ftmnews-editor@fwpubs.com NEW THIS WEEK Finding Your Ancestors' Naturalization Records These pointers will help you find your ancestor's naturalization records (whether or not he became a citizen on the Fourth of July). Free SAR Records This Weekend Only Find out about Ancestry.com's Sons of the American Revolution applications, free to search through July 4. Sailors in the Civil War The first US Naval officer death in the Civil War happened 150 years ago this week. Learn a bit about life on board and link to our article on finding records of Civil War sailors. Genealogy News Corral Catch up on the latest FamilySearch record additions, a new British military records resource and more in our weekly news roundup. FROM THE FORUM Finding a Canadian Location from the Census Greetings, Canadian researchers! New forum member mmichaud needs help using data in a Canadian census record to determine the location of a residence in New Brunswick. She's getting ready for a trip to see ancestral homes.
Help her out in the Introductions Forum. Note you must register with the Forum to post. Click here to browse the Forum. WEEKLY SHOP SPECIAL Plans this Weekend? No Worries! Our next round of classes begin July 5th, so if you'll be too busy grillin' and chillin' this holiday weekend to sign up, no worries. With Family Tree University classes, you can still sign up after the weekend is over. Then just log on and learn whenever you like. Most of our classes are four weeks long, and we're extending the length of courses starting July 5 by one day to make up for the holiday.
See what courses begin next week! PHOTO DETECTIVE Photo Wishes Really Do Come True ... aaaaand we have an answer to Juliann Hansen's unusual family photo, winner of our Mystery Photo Contest back in May. Get the story behind this mystery photo and share in another reader's photo fortune in this week's Photo Detective blog. If you have a family photo mystery for photo historian Maureen A. Taylor to solve, check out our Submission Guidelines. NOW WHAT? The Meaning of "Nephew" Q. In a guardianship order I've found for Onondaga County, NY, in 1825, the guardian is called the nephew of the deceased. Did nephew in that time and place generally mean what it does today? A. The term nephew was indeed used differently at one time, which could have implications when you're interpreting old records. We'll explain on FamilyTreeMagazine.com. Got a genealogy question? Get help on the FamilyTreeMagazine.com Forum. Note you must register with the Forum to post.
Research Tips for Virginia Ancestors Our Virginia Genealogy Crash Course webinar shows you how to access records of your Virginia ancestors and get past research brick walls in the state. FAMILY TREE MAGAZINE PLUS ARTICLE OF THE WEEK Searching the Daughters of the American Revolution Databases
This Independence Day, learn how to use the DAR's online databases to find out if you have a Patriot ancestor.
You must be a Family Tree Magazine Plus member to view this Plus article. SPONSOR SPECIAL OFFERS Get Family Tree Magazine back issues at ShopFamilyTree.com. Sponsor This Newsletter For information on sponsoring this newsletter or to receive a rate card, e-mail Jill Ruesch, Account Representative, at Jill.Ruesch@fwmedia.com |
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