Benicio Samuel, please review the following update on FamilySearch indexing. In this issue: Indexing-mania: Youth in Mexico an Example of Dedication Great things have been happening in Mexico this year. Family history and indexing leaders in local Church groups created an exciting program for the youth in the area called "Indexing-mania." The goal of each group? To recruit 100 volunteers and index 100,000 records in 3 months. The program started in April. Five months later, over 2,000 volunteers have participated and indexed over 1,500,000 records. Here are some frequently asked questions from youth and local leaders, along with corresponding answers: Q: When and where do the volunteers in these groups index? A: Saturday and Sunday nights at their local LDS meetinghouse.
Q: How long do they index? A: One or two hours.
Q: What about the equipment? A: Groups used computers available in the family history center or brought in personal laptops. Work can be done online or offline (if there is limited Internet access), and you can download 10 batches at a time. Continue reading and post comments . . .
Indexing Tip: Keyboard Shortcuts In FamilySearch indexing, you can do many tasks in two or three different ways. You may select tasks from menus, click on icons, or use keyboard shortcuts. A keyboard shortcut is a series of keys pressed, in a certain order, to perform a specific function. Without shortcuts, these tasks require you to move your hand from the keyboard to the mouse and back to the keyboard again. Shortcuts can help to speed up the indexing process by keeping your hands on the keyboard. The document linked below shows a number of indexing tasks with their corresponding icons and shortcuts. The + symbol indicates the keys must be held down until the last key is pressed.  Click the image or this link to view the Adobe PDF file.
Featured Indexer— Todd Bushman This month I had a chance to speak with Todd Bushman. Todd is a newcomer to indexing, but after seeing the top numbers posted on the FamilySearch indexing Facebook page, Todd decided to set a personal goal and see if he could reach those numbers. He was able to become a top indexer that week and has often been one of the top indexers from that point on. I have been inspired by Todd's drive and passion for indexing. Q: How long have you been indexing? A: I started on March 23rd, so a little over six months. Q: How did you get started indexing? A: We had a presentation at church on indexing in January. I thought it was neat at the time, but I didn't think much of it until March when I was talking to my parents and mentioned to them that indexing had been presented at church. My mother, while I was growing up, did extraction work with microfiche in Oklahoma, and she mentioned that indexing was so much easier than the extraction work she used to do (and much quicker). So I logged on, downloaded the program, and did a batch just to check it out. I have been hooked ever since. Continue reading and post comments . . . | FamilySearch Indexing Statistics Current Needs - Records arbitration volunteers
- Non-English language skills
- English handwriting recognition
- Simple to advanced records expertise
Invite a friend!Is someone you know interested in family history, transcription, or providing free records access to researchers? Please pass this message along with an invitation to participate in an indexing project. |
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